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Daily Green Juice

Hey!! Whoa, it’s been way too long since I last posted. I’m sorry. Girlfriend has been working her ass off! Well, not literally. Maybe it would be more appropriate to say, working my ass back on. You know, because I’m a chef, and we eat a lot of food. Also, I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had the time to go to yoga in over a week. Tonight will be my first class back. Praise the lord!

Praise the lord for green juice too! Amen!

After a long week of eating lots of sweets, and far too much food, green juices are exactly what I need to get my health and energy back on track. I’m not a fan of juice cleanses, mainly because I like food too much to deprive myself. However, having a green juice, or two, each day, along with eating lots of green veggies, and avoiding refined sugar (including wheat products, unfortunately), is all the cleanse I need to feel my very best!

In this week’s video I show you how I make my daily green juice. As you’ll see, the only fruit I include is lemon or lime. I avoid all other fruits in my juices, because they are too sugary. Without the fiber (which is extracted from juice), even sugars from fruits can spike your blood sugar levels. So, you’ll often find me eating an apple or pear while I’m juicing 🙂

The juicer I use is the Omega 8006. I started off with the Breville juice fountain, but wasn’t happy with it’s inability to extract all of the liquid/nutrients from greens. If you’re going to only juice green vegetables, buy a masticating or higher end cold-press juicer. My Omega 8006 is fantastic at extracting all of the good stuff. Since I started juicing I have noticed that I have more energy, and better skin!!

Since the fiber is removed, green juice makes it easy for your body to assimilate vitamins, enzymes, minerals, and water from the veggies. I used to be a green smoothie queen, but after too many smoothies and too many years, I developed an aversion to them. Green smoothies are truly wonderful, but often replace a meal. I’m too interested in eating to give up my meal for a green drink. I drink a green juice, and 10-30 minutes later, I’m ready to eat!

Do you juice? What’s your favorite combination? For me a juice is not complete without ginger, lemon/lime, cucumber, AND fennel. Tell me what ingredients you cannot live without in a juice!

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Daily Green Juice

By: Jenné
This recipe makes about a liter of juice. I usually make this in the morning and save half to drink in the afternoon, or share with my guy. I use an Omega 8006 masticating juicer. Because it is a slow cold-press juicer it has a very small chute for ingredients. I cut all veggies to fit that chute. Cut your veggies depending on the size of your juicers chute.
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Servings: 2


  • 1 large cucumber, peeled if it isn't organic
  • 1 medium bulb fennel
  • 6-8 cups of kale or collard greens
  • 1 cup cilantro or parsley
  • large piece of ginger, about 2-inches long 1-inch thick
  • 1 piece of fresh turmeric, about 1/2-inch thick, 2 inches long
  • 1 lemon, peeled


  • Put all of the ingredients through your juicer. Enjoy immediately, or (if you have a cold-press juicer) store some in the fridge for later.
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About Jenne

I’m a Georgia Peach living in Atlanta, with an insatiable love of sweet potatoes, my family, animals, and cooking. On Sweet Potato Soul you’ll discover hundreds of delicious and easy vegan recipes.

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  1. Haha!! Yes yes yes, green manna from heaven 🙂
    Thank you so much for sharing!

  2. Is there nutrition and benefit in doing something with all that fiber? It’s a bit like carrot tops- you feel sure there’s SOMETHING you should be doing with it!

  3. I admit I like to use a Vitamix blender to include all the fiber, but because of that I add I sweet thing, like half an apple, kiwi fruit, slice of pineapple or mango, but then you need more liquid to resemble a juice not a smoothie. Also because I’m lazy when it comes to juicers – blenders are way less cleaning. I haven’t looked but wonder of you have a recipe that uses al that good fiber from a juicer? At the very least it should make good instant compost!

    1. Sounds delicious! I’m slowly getting back into green smoothies 🙂 My vitamix has been used to make lots of chocolate smoothies for the last 2 years .
      I don’t have a juice fiber recipe but I can work on one. My bf and I have dried it out and put it in baked goods, but I’m not a fan of that. Got to keep playing around with it.

  4. Sounds great! I would love to be able to experiment with this option, however I consider myself lucky if I can procure the ingredients, so I enjoy them in whatever way I can! Having said that, I feel I also have to give kudos to my very inexpensive Oster blender that, although certainly not a juicer or even in the league of the “super blenders”, has sure opened up possibilities that I couldn’t otherwise consider. I love the little underdog…it never ceases to amaze me considering it was under 20 bucks and I don’t even remember how long I’ve had it! And nope, no affiliation! (I would have gone with the money!) LOL!

    Being vegan can mean so many things. Though it always centers around the avoidance of animal products, at it’s worst it can be merely vegan junk food…processed, chemical laden, non-nutrition. Chips, fries, soda and candy seems to be a popular teenage vegan “diet”! Then there are the horrid meat substitutes and other fake food-like products widely available that so many are even duped into believing are healthy choices! At the opposite end of the spectrum are the true foods of the earth that nature blesses us with, full of life giving properties… feeding our bodies AND our souls because we aren’t sacrificing life to nurture our own. I don’t need to tell you what a joy our food choices are, but so many uninitiated people comment that no way could they just eat salads and broccoli for the rest of their lives! It gives me great satisfaction to link them to your website, among others, to quickly demonstrate how baseless that notion is!

    I love your site Jenné, thanks for all you do! Your recipes, your videos, your kind heart and generosity of spirit, your true soul, shine through in all you do. When I need inspiration, I know I can always come here and find plenty, and that is so nice. You rock woman!