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Jenné in Watercolor www.sweetpotatosoul.comHave you heard about or seen the “start up curve”? On it there is a section called the trough of sorrow. Apparently all startups go through it. The leaders start off idealistic and super charged to turn their dreams into reality, but then reality hits. It’s bumpy, things don’t go as planned, overwhelm sets in, stress takes a toll, and the initial zeal nearly fades. This is the place where most aspiring entrepreneurs give up. This is the test. Sorrow & high spirits.

Trough of Sorrow Startup Curve

I’m in the trough of sorrow right now.

My calendar is filled with bright ideas and glittery goals, but the day to day grind feels like swimming through molasses.

This is the point where most people let the dream die. I’m not most people.

I’m telling you this today because I want to share what I’m going through. On social media and Youtube I post my sunny side, but the reality is that the road is bumpy, and my vision at times unclear.

Sweet Potato Soul has been my passion project and hobby for many years now. I started it as a hobby blog when I was a newly graduated young actress seeking a creative outlet through food. Once my passion for food overtook my passion for acting, I decided to start a business as a vegan personal chef. For over 3 years I have cooked for and taught New Yorkers delicious vegan food. It has been rewarding, but I always felt drawn to make my humble blog, Sweet Potato Soul, something big. I felt like the possibilities for this brand were endless.

The destination

Then one day I decided I would turn Sweet Potato Soul into the brand I always dreamed it could be; a destination for inspiring vegan lifestyle, delicious recipes, fitness, and high quality video content.

I figured that if I stepped away from my personal chef service I would have all the time in the world to grow Sweet Potato Soul! I have calendars filled with blog posts, new videos, interviews for my interview show and podcast, fitness video collaborations, and world domination. However, all of the time in the world hasn’t gotten me to my goals. Actually, it seems like time is the enemy, and I just don’t have enough of it.

But here’s the upside. Despite wading through the trough of sorrow, my spirits are high. Despite recent technical difficulties with videos, missed deadlines, and lack of physical fitness, I know that this low point will pass. So what do I do? Keep putting one foot forward, and doing my very best each day.

I was feeling guilty and upset about not blogging as often as I’d like. I’m trying to figure out a schedule that works best for me that I will actually stick to (I’m not a born planner FYI). “If only I could explain my failings,” is what I tell myself every time something doesn’t go as planned. This is my explanation to you, and to myself. And this is me giving myself permission to fail a little bit more on the bumpy road to greatness, sustainability, and the Sweet Potato Soul of my dreams.

Can you cut yourself slack today for something you’re unhappy with? It makes sense to feel upset and frustrated, but don’t give those feelings more value than they deserve. Instead keep taking one step at a time, and keep giving yourself the gift of compassion. I know I’ll be doing that.

About Jenne

I’m a Georgia Peach living in Los Angeles (by way of NYC), with an insatiable love of sweet potatoes, travel, animals, and cooking. On Sweet Potato Soul you’ll discover hundreds of delicious and easy-to-make vegan recipes.

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  1. Thanks so much for this inspiring post Jenne! I am feeling at a crossroads myself – not sure what to do with my life at 53…and feel torn in many directions without a clear goal or some sort of epiphany of what that should be – I’m in the trough with you. I get a feeling it may be something to do with food and nutrition… Your statement about taking it a step at a time couldn’t have come at a better time! You have so much to give and I look forward to your posts – whenever they may be – no need to pressure yourself. Thanks for being here and sharing your enthusiasm.

    1. Hi Moreen! Thank you so much for your comment. I’m glad my post was helpful for you as well. Food & nutrition is such a rewarding and fun field. Please keep me posted on what you get into 🙂 Sending you lots of luck, laughs, and love <3